Hot Rod Internet had a display at the 24th Australian Automotive Trade Fair and SEMA Performance Techmology Expo on the 5th to the 7th of May. This year it was held in the Melbourne Exhibition Centre with in excess of 3000 trade exhibitors. We shared a stand with the Dry Lakes Racers Australia, Leigh Fielder providing his World Record Breaking Pontiac Trans Am (A/GALT - 242.099MPH) for the display and Penrite, one of Leighs sponsors in his Bonneville campaign.

Ben McKinnon from Antique Tyres (one of our clients) and Corky Coker from Coker tires from the USA.

'34 Chev Roadster

on the Dupont stand.

'37 Ford Coupe

on the PPG stand

Hemi powered vintage sprinter.

Victorian Performance Warehouse Stand

DLRA and Hot-Rod Internet display

Hardiman Auto Supply

Aren't these clutches just great!