Our services include web page hosting, design, domain name applications and internet consultancy. For hosting information and pricing go to our hosting page. We can arrange your own Australian or International Domain Name, which can be held until you are ready to have a web site. This ensures that your competitors will not 'steal' the name. Once a domain name is taken you will have to come up with a different domain name which may not be as applicable. As a general rule shorter, easily remembered names which also relate to your business are best.
For information on web page design and consultancy see Greg Wapling's pages at GMW Consulting or Dave & Donna Petrusma's at Kustom Computer & Photographic. All are active Hot-Rodders and therefore understand not only the Hot-Rod aftermarket industry but also what other hot-rodders want to see and read about. If you start talking dropped spindles, chops, blowers, deuces and hiboys they will actually understand you! Try talking to traditional web page designers and you may spend most of your time explaining the lingo! You can see a list of car related sites they have designed from the drop down members list or go to the members section of the links pages. You can also find links to further examples of their work including non car related sites from their respective home pages.
If you have a Hot-Rod related business you should be talking to us about having a web presence. This can cost from as little as $125. Our advice is free of charge so feel free to contact us.