Browser Instructions
Adjust your browser preferences to make Hot-Rod Internet your home page.
TIP: To find out which browser version you're using, click your browser's Help menu, and select About Navigator or Communicator or About Internet Explorer.
  Netscape Navigator
Version 4.x or above:
1. Click on the Edit menu.
2. Choose Preferences.
3. Under Category, click Navigator.
4. In the Location box enter: http://www.hot-rod.com.au
5. Click OK.
Version 3.x and below:
1. Click on the Options menu.
2. Choose General Preferences.
3. Select the Appearance tab.
4. In the Startup section, click Home Page Location button.
5. Enter http://www.hot-rod.com.au in the text field.
6. Click OK.
  Microsoft Internet Explorer
Version 5.x and above:
1. Go to http://www.hot-rod.com.au
2. Click your browser's Tool menu.
3. Select Internet Options.
4. Click the General tab.
5. In the Home Page section, click Use Current.
6. Click OK.
Version 4.x:
1. Go to http://www.hot-rod.com.au
2. Click your browser's View menu.
3. Select Internet Options.
4. Click the General tab.
5. In the Home Page section, click Use Current.
6. Click OK.
Version 3.x and below:
1. Go to http://www.hot-rod.com.au
2. Click your browser's View menu.
3. Choose Options.
4. Click the Navigation tab.
5. Click Use Current.
6. Click OK.
NOTE: Next time you fire up your browser, your Hot-Rod Internet page will appear first. When visiting another site, click your browser's Home button (top middle icon of the menu bar) to return to your Hot-Rod Internet page.