After conducting the very successful cruise to Hawkesbury in 1997 and due to the huge number of requests to do it again. We are pleased to announce "Chainsaw Bob's East Coast Cruise" to the 17th Asrf Nationals on the Gold Coast at the Parklands Complex in Queensland.
The cruise will be open to all Hot Rods and Customs ONLY who qualify and have entered the Nationals. The idea is to join the cruise at any stage along the way and have some fun doing what we enjoy most. About owning our cars .... driving them!!
All proceeds
from monies raised
will be donated to
'Very Special Kids'
a very worthy charity
that supports
children and
their families.
Thank you to our sponsors
The time has finally come! It's been 2 years in the planning with what started out as a fairly simple idea has grown in leaps and bounds with over 60 entrants so far. With only a couple of weeks to go before registration closes, I urge all those considering joining to fill out the entry form and post it off NOW!
For catering and administrative purposes, ENTRIES MUST CLOSE on 14 February 2005. Late entries will not be guaranteed a goodies bag, T-shirt etc.
I would like to say thank you to Shannons Insurance who have offered their generous support and come on board as one of our major sponsors. I would also like to thank the Christian Rodders who will start the Cruise off with a blessing.
Day 1
Cruisers leaving from Berwick will be offered breakfast compliments of the Bay Rodders. The Cruise will leave Berwick at 10am on Sunday, 20 March and travel to Sale, where the Oil City Rodders will have their BBQ trailer set up and cook up lunch for us. From here we head east to Lakes Entrance where the Thunderbirds are setting up base at the rotunda on the foreshore. The local surf life saving club will be on hand offering a light selection of food at a small cost or choose a restaurant to have dinner with your friends or simply have fish 'n chips back at the rotunda and watch as the cars cruise by.
Day 2
Along the coast between Eden and Batemans Bay there are plenty of attractions to stop off and check out. It will also give you an opportunity to grab lunch at any of the towns when it suits you to stop. Bega has the famous cheese factory which is worth a look.Cruisers can head to Tilba for a peek around an historic old town which is full of art and crafts shops. From there we'll head to Batemans Bay for the night. The Bay Cruisers are organising a cruise circuit of the town - you'll be able to join in or sit back and watch as the parade goes by.
Day 3
We head north today stopping at Berry for an early lunch.'The Great Southern Hotel' is a must see and there are also heaps craft and gift shops in this gorgeous town. From Berry we head off to tackle the streets of Sydney. This part the cruise will be pretty much a free-for-all with your only objective to make it to The Entrance that evening where The Street Rats and Kruzin Klassics have huge night planned. There will be rides for the kids and 'Boots Dickenson & Raw Deal' will be playing live in the park. There is also a possibility that "half way" merchandise will be available
to purchase.
Day 4
We head north to Foster/Cloncurry for a lunch break where we will be met by the Manning Valley Cruisers who have organised a poker run which will take us all the way into Port Macquarie. The Coastal Cruisers take over from here and have organised another huge night of entertainment, including a charity auction will be held to sell off donated goods. We have on offer so far a pair of cycle fenders supplied by Garrie 'The Ghost' Oliver; a set of 4 stainless braided brake hoses donated by; a windscreen cut from your pattern from Windscreens O'Brien Albury; a three-day accommodation package staying in beautiful Echuca donated by the Rich River Hot Rod Club; and engine protection from FilterMag. I would like to see all entrants bringing something to donate for our auction all donations will be gratefully accepted.
Day 5
Our last day on the road takes us to Coffs Harbour for our lunch break where you can take a quick tour of the town
or grab some lunch or visit The Big Banana. From here it's on to the Gold Coast and our final destination.
Entrants will receive a goodies bag sent via Express Post (thank you to Australia Post) prior to leaving on the
Cruise. At this stage each entrant will receive a free T-shirt, a key ring, entrant decals and fully detailed itinerary
booklet. If you know of any companies that may be able to offer some freebies to add to the bags, please feel free
to ask them to contact me on 0414 569 719or 03 9569 7278.
There is also a chance that the Cruise will be covered by some high profile street rodding publication as well as the
film media
On behalf of myself and "Very Special Kids" I would like to say a big thank you to all of the sponsors and hot
rod clubs that put up their hands and offered their generous support. If it wasn't for them, none of this would have
ever been possible.
I look forward to seeing you all on the road this Easter.
Bob Pankhurst
Sunday 20th - Friday 25th March 2005
- The cruise has been divided into several sections: A, B, C, D, & E, one section for each day on the road.(see map for details).
- Only entrants to the 17th ASRF Nationals at Parkland in Queensland are eligble to partake in the cruise.
- Cruise Entrants can join the cruise at any section along the way.
- As an incentive, at this stage you will be able to nominate your cruise entrant number on a first-come first-served basis. For example, if you own a '32 and are entering the cruise between Batemans Bay and The Entrance (Section C) you can apply for the entrant number C32. Once the number has been allocated, all other applicants who missed out will be placed in numerical order.
- The event is sanctioned in each State by the ASRF.
- Cut off date for entries is 14/2/05.
Select stage to see detailed route map
Cruise Map as a PDF file (400Kb) or GIF (58Kb)
Who to contact
Bob Pankhurst
Phone: (03)9569 7278 Mobile: 0414569719
Entry Form
Download and Print ENTRY FORM
Cruise entrants will be eligble for special rates for accomodation and meals along the way. As well there will be a number of special functions just for entrants to enjoy. More information on this as we get closerto the event.
For a list of selected accomodation at each stop along the way, check out this list prepared by Steve Russell.
For more information about each of the stop-overs, check out the links below.
Why not sponsor Chainsaw Bob's East Coast Cruise? Get your product or business name on what will become one of the most collectable hot rod t-shirts of 2005. Conact Bob now!
We would like to thank the following individuals, clubs and organisations for supporting Chainsaw Bob's East Coast Cruise;
A big thank you to FilterMAG whose GM is an ASRF member for putting up their hand and offering their support & becoming a major sponsor.
I am grateful for their sponsorship and offer to supply prizes and trophies along the way. FilterMAG produce a great product which I'm happy to endorse and recommend for your engine protection new or old. Check out their web site for more details -
- Highway Jokers (Berwick)
- Oil City Rodders (Sale)
- Thunderbirds (Lakes Entrance)
- Manning Valley Cruisers (Taree)
- The Coasters (Port Maquarie)
Information for clubs wishing to assist - CLUB LETTER PDF file (177Kb)