South Australia Hot Rod Business Directory
These pages exists as a service to all Australian and International rodders and hot rod businesses, also due to the large amount of requests for this information. The author receives no commercial gain or benefit from any of the businesses
found on these pages in any way. Hopefully this is just the start, don't forget to reload when you return, as the pages will change often.
And tell'em where you found it!
Phone and Fax Numbers - International callers need to add a their international code, then 61 to the front of the
number and drop the '0'. eg. 03 5472 3653 calling from the USA, becomes 1 61 3 5472 3653.
Magazines, Books and Artwork |
Bevin D. Young American English & Australian Performance Publications.
Whether your fine tuning a big block V8 or customizing your car, we have books that will make you a professional. For a free booklist, put your name and address on the back of an envelope and address to;
Free Post 66A, 68 Somers Street, North Brighton SA 5048
[P]08 8298 5548 [F]08 8376 0296 beven@bevenyoung.com.au
Rods & Relics
Automotive Blasting:
Specialising in Vintage panels, garnish moulds & delicate items.
Full size booth cabable of fitting a chassis.
Vintage Panel Repair & Reproduction:
Repairs to all makes, supply of patch & complete panels.
Street Rod Builds & Rego:
Ground up builds including Chassis work & help with rego
(SATAC Delagate)
Manufacturer of Metal Shaping Tools & equipment:
Shrinking Discs, Bossing Mallets, Slap Hammers, Bullseye Picks etc.
Multi Fit Engine Trolleys
Contact: Rod
Hertage St.
Keith South Australia
[P] 08 87551400 [F] 08 87551142 [E] rod@rodsandrelics.com.au |
(MAP) |
Chassis Design & Construction |
Rod Tech Street Rod and Street Machine Centre
Manufacturers, importers, exporters, chassis construction, street rod components, bolt pattern changes, brake kits, 9 inch diff conversions, diff shortening, suppliers of reproduction parts and accessories.
Contact: Rod Collins
192 Hampstead Road, Clearview SA 5085
Ph: 08 8262 3230
rodtech@bold.net.au |
(MAP) |
Ali Barber Towing
Prestige and Sports Breakdowns
0417 355 567 |
Adelaide Chrome Restoration
PO Box 16 Highbury SA 5089
Ph: 08 8396 5855 |
Minus Paint
Whether it be a small part or a complete car body we strip them all. Complete non-abrasive, non-acidic, paint and rust removal from all metal surfaces.
Contact: David
185-187 South Terrace, Wingfield SA 5013
Ph: 08 8243 2899 |
Special Interest Autos
Importers of special interest vehicles and parts
Contact: Phil Hart
PO Box 33 Port Elliot SA 5212
[P]08 8552 2122 [F]08 8552 2299
realcars@senet.com.au |
Trim Tech
Motor Trimming and Upholstery
[P]08 8386 1323 |
Westcoast Classic Imports
Specialising in American Cars
Lot H, Angle Vale Road Angle Vale SA 5117
[P]08 8284 7282 Mob: 0438 809 972
Hot Rod Wedding Hire
Contact: Gary Medlen
19 Waikerie Ave Hope Valley SA 5090
[P]08 8396 0144 [E]horod@picknowl.com.au |
Jac's Hotrod Hire
Tapleys Hill Road
015 398 369 |
Chevrolet Convertible 60's
Old Norton Summit Road
08 83901817
SA Hot Rod Tours
Weddings, formals, Special Occassions, Birthdays
Contact: John McLean
Ph: 08 8370 2636 or M: 0413 864 789 |
Collectables & Memorabilia |