To join Hot-Rod Internet you must have an Internet Web Page in existence or under construction which relates to the sport of Hot-Rodding in Australia. As well as Hot-Rod owners, parts sellers, clubs, etc, this can also be in the area of music, clothing etc. As long as it is Hot-Rod related. We also accept Kustom and Classic (full chassis U.S. based cars) related clubs, businesses and individuals. The cut off year for vehicles is 1965.
The following businesses, clubs and associations are already members of Hot-Rod Internet; (** not online yet - coming soon!)
If you have a Hot-Rod related business you should be talking to us about having a web presence. This can cost from as little as $125 (for a single page site). Our advice is free of charge so feel free to contact us for some no-obligation information.
If you have an existing domain name or site and are happy with your current server please check our advertising page on how to join Hot-Rod Internet. If you are considering a change we offer high quality hosting at very competitive prices and you automatically become a member of Hot-Rod Internet free of charge! If you wish us to add your existing Hot-Rod related site to our links page free of any charge or obligation please see the submission form on our links page. If you would like to add a link to Hot-Rod Internet on your pages please click here for details.
All Hot-Rod related web pages designed by GMW Consulting or Kustom Computer & Photographic automatically become members of Hot-Rod Internet. All pages hosted by Hot-Rod Internet automatically become members.