1) You may use only a Hot-Rod Internet supplied or approved GIF, according to these guidelines:
a. do not cut the logos into different sections or pieces.
b. do not re-arrange any of the letters of the logos.
c. do not outline the logos.
d. do not add drop shadows.
e. do not render logos in three dimensions.
f. do not overlap other art on top, underneath or adjacent the logos.
g. do not position any other design elements closer than one-half the height of the logo.
h. always anti-alias all logos with round or amorphous forms against the background color.
i. always keep a fixed aspect-ratio (do not let the browser scale one dimension differently than the other.)
j. use logos as gifs only, never jpegs. k. use only the logos in the sizes given - don't sample up or down.
2) The Logo must appear by itself; it may not be combined with any other graphic or
textual elements, and may not be used as a design element of any other logo or trademark.
If in a module, the module may not integrate with the identity of your/another entity's
3) The Logo may not be a predominant feature on your Web site. This means (at minimum)
that it must appear smaller than your Web page title and your company logo, it may not be
displayed larger or more prominently than other company logos on your page, and it should
not appear at the top of the page, but rather at the bottom, along the sides, or in some
location less prominent than the top.
If your requirements demand a size other than those shown, please contact us with the
following requirements:
1. Include the absolute size of the logo - its constraining proportions in width and
2. (and/or) the GIF, with space around the logo.
3. the background color.
We will provide you with a custom rendering within 36 hours. Do not "sample"
a logo up or down from those provided.
For print reproduction, download .eps files. Never use the .eps file to construct GIF
The following dimensions are described as (length x height) in pixels (px). The
"logo" dimensions describe only the logo itself, whereas "GIF"
signifies the dimensions of both the logo and the perscribed clearspace surrounding the
logo. Just copy the size that fits your need by positioning the cursor over the
appropriate logo, then right click and choose "save as" or "save picture
as". Save the image to your home page directory and copy and paste the html code
below the selected image into the page on which you wish the logo to appear. This will
also automatically add the required clearspace.
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Logo: 100 x 89 px | GIF: 120 x 109 px html code - <a href="http://www.hot-rod.com.au"><img
src="32logo.gif" width="100" height="89"
vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" alt="Hot-Rod

Logo: 150 x 75 px | GIF: 170 x 95 px html code - <a href="http://www.hot-rod.com.au"><img
src="32logo.gif" width="150" height="75"
vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" alt="Hot-Rod

Logo: 200 x 70 px | GIF: 220 x 90 px html code - <a href="http://www.hot-rod.com.au"><img
src="hotrodlogo1.gif" width="200" height="70"
vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" alt="Hot-Rod

Logo: 300 x 99 px | GIF: 320 x 119 px html code - <a href="http://www.hot-rod.com.au"><img
src="hrlogo.gif" width="300" height="99"
vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" alt="Hot-Rod

Logo: 280 x 120 px | GIF: 300 x 140 px html code - <a href="http://www.hot-rod.com.au"><img
src="chopcoupe.gif" width="280" height="120"
vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" alt="Hot-Rod

Logo: 280 x 120 px | GIF: 300 x 140 px html code - <a href="http://www.hot-rod.com.au"><img
src="coupe2logo.gif" width="280" height="120"
vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" alt="Hot-Rod

Logo: 280 x 120 px | GIF: 300 x 140 px html code - <a href="http://www.hot-rod.com.au"><img
src="walllogo.gif" width="280" height="120"
vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" alt="Hot-Rod
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If you have wish to contribute any logo designs or ideas
please email us.