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Home >  Builder >  Technical Specifications >  Chev Starter/Bellhousing Guide

Here are some charts to help those of you who are going the manual transmission route to locate compatible components.


Chevrolet Passenger Car Clutch Housings (Bell housings)
265-350 cid V-8
GM Part No.Identification No.YearModel
3755343373336555-57Pass. (8-cyl)
3785643377955260-61Pass. (8-cyl exc. Sp H/Per)
62Pass. (383. 327 exc. H/Per
3785644(aluminum) 377955362Pass. w/H/Per (327)
3858403384038364-67Pass. (283. 327 
usually w/10.4" exc. HD Clutch)
65-67Chevelle (283 exc. H D Clutch
67-69All (302)
68Pass. (307), Chevy (307), Chevelle (307 exc. H D clutch)
70-73All (307)
64-69Pass. w/reg. fuel
65-68Chevelle (327 exc. H D Clutch)
67-68Camaro (327)
69Chevy, Chevelle, Camaro w/reg. fuel (327)
69Pass. (350 w/ reg. fuel exc. H D clutch)
69Chevy, Chevelle, Camaro, w/reg. fuel (350)
3849307384930964-67Chevy (283, 327)
3899621(usually w/11" clutch)66-67All (283) w/H D clutch
67-70All (350 exc. Sp/    Per
68All (307) w/H D clutch
70All Sp. H/Per (350)
71-75All (350)
 The ID Numbers are stamped on the inside of the housing.

Chevrolet Passenger Car Starting Motors
265-350 cid V-8, Manual Transmission
GM Part No.Identification No.YearModel
n/astamped 1107627-110764555-56All Pass. (265)
n/astamped 1107660-64-964-889-89257-61Pass. (265-283)
1108361stamped 1107320-110836163-64Pass. (327)
 (cyl. block mounting)65-67Pass. Chevy, Chevelle (327)
67Camaro (exc. 350)
68Pass. (327 exc. H D clutch)
68Chevy, Chevelle (327)
69Chevy (350)
69Chevy, Chevelle, Camaro 
(4-bbl w/reg. fuel 350)
1108366stamped 1108365-66-67-851262-64Chevy, Chevelle
(cyl. block mounting)63-64Pass. (283)
65-67Chevy, Chevelle, Camaro 
(exc. 327)
65-67Pass. (283 exc. H D clutch)
68-69Pass. (307, 327 exc H D clutch)
68Chevelle (exc. H D clutch)
68-69Camaro (exc. 350)
70-73All (307)
110878870-75Nova, Chevelle, Camaro (8-cyl.)
The Starter ID Numbers are stamped on the side of the gear housing.
Small Block Chevrolet V-8
Clutch Housing-Flywheel-
Starter Housing
265/283cid (1955-62)
Clutch HousingFlywheelStarter
283cid (1963-67)
Clutch HousingFlywheel Starter
302cid (1967-69)
Clutch HousingFlywheel Starter
307cid (1968-73)
Clutch HousingFlywheelStarter
327cid (1962-69)
Clutch HousingFlywheelStarter
350cid (1967-75)
Clutch Housing Flywheel Starter
Chevrolet Passenger Car flywheels
265-350cid V-8, Manual Transmission
GM Part No. Identification No.YearModel
3739423w/10" coil & diaphragm spring clutch558-cyl exc. H D clutch 4-bbl
(11 5/8" bolt circle) cast 382900456Pass. w/2-bbl (exc. H D clutch)
56Pass. w/4 bbl.
56-58Pass. (283 exc. H D clutch dual 4-bbl F. I 
59-61Pass. (283 exc. o/d)
62Pass. (8-cyl)
3998281w/11" coil spring clutch (12 5/8" bolt 
circle) solid type
55-56Pass. w/CAC (8 cyl)
55-56Pass. w/4-bbl
57Pass. (exc. 4-bbl, dual 4-bbl)
58Pass. w/H D clutch (283 exc. 4-bbl,   F.I. o/d)
58-61Pass. w/o/d (283)
66-68Pass. w/H D clutch (327)
67-69Chevelle w/H D clutch (327)
67Chevelle w/H D clutch (283)
67-69Camaro, Chevy (350)
69Pass. (350)
70All w/4-bbl (350)
70-74All w/Sp H  Per. (350)
3791022solid type (cast 3791021)63-64Pass. (283,   327 exc. H D clutch)
3973452solid type, as above64-67All (283 exc.  H D clutch)
66-67Pass. w/H D clutch (283)
64-68All (327 exc.  H D clutch)
67-69All (302)
69 Pass. w/reg.  fuel (327,  350)
398639070-72All w/2-bbl.  (350)
71Chevelle w/4-bbl (350 exc. Monte Carlo)
73-74All (350 exc.  Sp H/Per.)
75Nova, Camaro  (350)
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